In this post at our fashion blog we are going to talk for one of my favorite models of Albania who is Floriana Garo. There are a lot of reasons that I want to show you some of her photo with her amazing style, but the main reason why i want to write this article right now because she is not just a model but she have her own tv show in Tv Klan. And this is a lesson for all the girls of Victoria Secrets that they should not show us only her body but in the same time should show us how clever they are and ambitious. In the same time we want to show a lesson to all the mans that thinks that the beautiful girls are not clever but just beautiful and nice just to have with you but never talk with her, just like a flower, but Floriana Garo have more. In fact a lot of our fans are asking us to write an article about The Complete Fall 2015 Trend Guide, but we are going to write that article as soon it will be ready.

I want to say that this photos are not ours but we can not have a fashion blog without the smile of this amazing girl: Floriana Garo. It is obvious that this red dress is so fantastic in her and the red color of the lips fits so well. In fact it is not completely red lip and this is a way to emphasise her smile and her lips.

In the photo above Florina Garo is announcing about her guest in her show "Jo Vetem Mode" this are the words that she have written in facebook "Sot ne "Jo vetem mode" sjellim nje speciale per Miss Universe Albania. Shohim se cilat ishin me te mirat e spektaklit dhe njohim me nga afer fitueset e dy cmimeve te medha: Miss Universe Albania Megi Luka dhe Miss World Albania Daniela Pajaziti. Na ndiqni ne oren 20.05 vetem ne TV Klan! "
So proud of Floriana Garo that is running her show, and especially a show that talks not just for fashion but she invites fashion girls to talk for different things.
She is so simple girl that she does not have problems to take a photo with her amazing friends, during her normal day without too much make up. Floriana Garo your friends are amazing and full of class too :*

Below is Floriana Garo doing a selfie and nobody can not stop without falling in love with this smile.
Her make up is amazing simple and nice.

We want to show a lot of her photos but we are finishing with the last one from this amazing fashion girl from Albania: Floriana Garo

In the below photo we can see Floriana Garo during her summer vocations, It is obvious that her bikini are simple but in her body fits so well. And her piercing is so nice in that part of her body :D <3. Her sunglasses are so protectable of her amazing eyes. :*